When you import your work from a database such as Crossref Metadata Search or Scopus - Elsevier, the full list of Contributors will be automatically included on the work entry.
If you manually add a work to your record using the Add DOI, Add PubMed ID or Add manually options, you will be automatically added as a contributor to the work. However, you’ll need to manually add your contributor role as well as other contributors.
Adding Your Own Contributor Role
When you add a work to your record manually (using the Add DOI, Add PubMed ID or Add manually options), you will be automatically added as a contributor to the work.
You can specify your contributor role using the dropdown menu on the Contributors section (the 14 available options are based on CRediT - Contributor Roles Taxonomy).
Adding Other Contributors
To add other contributors to your work entry, click on Add another contributor and enter the contributor’s name and role.
If the contributor had more than one role, click on Add another role below their name in order to add it.
You can change the order in which the contributors are displayed on your record by clicking on the gray dots to the left of the contributor and dragging it to the desired position.
To remove a contributor, click on the trash bin icon next to it.
After saving your changes and adding the work, you’ll no longer be able to edit a contributor’s information. If the information you entered is incorrect, you’ll need to delete the contributor then add them again.
Note that is it not possible to add a contributor's ORCID iD and that manually added contributors are unverified.