A research resource proposal item on the ORCID record consists of two parts: the proposal item, and the resource item accessed as a part of the proposal.
Research resources proposal metadata
- Title (required): The title of the proposal or registration to access the resource, e.g. radAFM: Coupled radiation source/liquid-cell AFM to study radiation-induced interfacial processes
- Translated title: Where applicable, if the title of the proposal appears in a second (generally non-English) language, the language of the translated title is recorded as an attribute
- The proposal host (required): Information about the organization that receives and processes resource proposals or requests (this may be the research resource provider or another organization). A proposal may have multiple hosts
- Proposal host city (required): The city where the organization is located, e.g. Walnut Creek
- Proposal host region: The region, prefecture, state, etc. where the organization is located, e.g. California
- Proposal host country (required): The country where the organization is located, e.g. United States of America
- Proposal host organization ID (required): Each organization is connected to a unique organization identifier, e.g. https://grid.ac/institutes/grid.1234
- Proposal external identifier (required): An identifier for the proposal, selected from ORCID’s supported identifier types, e.g. https://handle.net/1234
- Start date: The date that access to the resource started. At a minimum, this would be the year
- End date: The date the access ended or will end. At a minimum, this would be the year
- Proposal URL: A link to the a publicly accessible web page with information about the proposal
- Data source (automatically added by ORCID API): The API client ID and name belonging to the organization which added the data to the researcher’s ORCID record, e.g. XSEDE.
Resource item metadata
- Resource name (required): The name of the resource, e.g. SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
- Resource type (required) The type of resource: Collection, equipment, infrastructure, or service. See Types of research resources for more information
- Resource host (required): The organization(s) that administer or operate the resource (e.g. Stanford University, https://grid.ac/institutes/grid.168010.e), typically a national laboratory, government agency, or research university. The resource host may or may not be the same as the proposal host. Each organization is connected to a unique organization identifier
- External ID (required): A unique identifier for the resource, e.g. https://grid.ac/institutes/grid.445003.6
- Resource URL: A link to the web page for the resource or for more information about the resource
- Data source (automatically added by ORCID API): The API client ID and name belonging to the organization which added the data to the researcher’s ORCID record, e.g. XSEDE