You may close your ORCID account at any time by deactivating your record. When you deactivate your ORCID account, all personal information on the account will be deleted.
Accidentally registered multiple ORCID iDs?
Do not deactivate your account -- use the duplicate record removal process to merge the accounts instead.
Deactivating your ORCID account
1. Go to your account settings, scroll down to Account actions and select the Deactivate your ORCID account option.
2. Read the information on the page and if you're ready to proceed, click the red Deactivate ORCID account button.
3. The Registry displays a message box to confirm that an account deactivation email has been sent to the primary email address on your ORCID account.
The account deactivation email will be sent from
You must click the link in the message to confirm the deactivation of your account. You will then be redirected to the ORCID sign-in screen.
Can I reactivate my ORCID iD?
You can reactivate your ORCID account at any time you choose to do so. For step-by-step reactivation steps, see Reactivating your deactivated ORCID account.
I didn't request account deactivation or do not want to deactivate my account. What do I do?
Your ORCID account will remain active as long as you do not click the deactivation link in the email message sent to you.
What information does ORCID retain when I close my account?
After your account is deactivated, your ORCID iD will continue to be stored in our database. All other data will be deleted from your record, except for your email address, which will be stored in a cryptographically-masked form (a private hashed value that is not in the Registry).
This means that your email address is not visible or accessible to ORCID staff or others, while ensuring that we don’t assign the same identifier to another person. You can reactivate your ORCID iD at any time by entering your email address on the ORCID registration form.
Deactivating your account may not prevent your ORCID iD from being associated with your name in other systems that you previously connected your iD to. You will need to contact them to have your ORCID iD removed.
If I deactivate my account, can I register a new ORCID ID?
You will not be able to open a new ORCID account with the same email address associated with the account that has been deactivated. This is to prevent multiple ORCID iDs being created for the same user. You can, however, reactivate a deactivated account, and you can also create a new record using a different email address.