Watch our short video about how to add works to your ORCID record using a Search & Link wizard
Several ORCID member organization have built search and link tools that allow you to import information about publications and other works into your ORCID record from other databases. The linking process can begin on the ORCID site, or at the organization's website. Note that ORCID does not store preprints or content. Rather we require that works data added to your record include a link that allows users to easily navigate to the source document.
Search and Link wizards are our recommended way to populate your record. Wizards make adding works easy, ensure you are getting data about the work directly from the source so it is accurate, and allow the addition of contributor information, which is not possible via other methods (users can manually add their own contributor role but cannot add other contributors).
To add works to your ORCID record using a Search & Link wizard, you must first grant access to the organization's integration. Select the platform you want to use to import your works from the dropdown list. You'll be prompted to grant access to your ORCID record then taken to the member's website to select the works to add to your ORCID record. Works added with a Search and Link Wizard will display the relevant organization as the source of the item and you as the source of the connection between that item and your record. This displays as “[researcher name] via [wizard name].”
Which search & link wizard(s) should you choose? Select one that matches your geographic or subject areas of research.
Currently supported search and link wizards are:
Airiti: Airiti allows you to import metadata from Airiti Library, including journal papers, proceedings, dissertations, and books. Recommended for researchers who have published works in Chinese.
BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine): BASE allows you to claim and import works from the Bielefeld Academic Search Engine. To use, you must first create a BASE user account. Recommended for authors of open access publications.
CrossRef Metadata Search: CrossRef Metadata Search allows you to search and add works by title or DOI. Once you have authorized the connection and are logged into ORCID, CrossRef search results include a button to add works to your ORCID record.
DataCite: DataCite allows you to find your research datasets, images, and other works. Recommended for locating works other than articles as well as works that can be found by DOI.
- Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (DNB): DNB allows you to find your books, dissertations, and other works. The corresponding authority record (GND) will be added as an external identifier to your ORCID record.
Europe PubMed Central: Europe PubMed Central allows you to import works from the Europe PubMed database, which includes all articles indexed by PubMed Central. Recommended for adding multiple published articles, and patents.
- HAL: HAL allows you to import works from the open archive HAL. HAL is the French multidisciplinary open archive that provides open access to the major part of the national scientific outputs.
ISNI: ISNI allows you to link your ISNI record in the Other IDs section.
- Japan Link Center (JaLC): Japan Link Center (JaLC) allows you to search and add works by title or DOI. Once you have authorized the connection and are logged into ORCID, Japan Link Center search results include a button to add works to your ORCID record.
- The Lens: The Lens serves global patent and scholarly knowledge on a public good platform, enabling you to import all your scholarly works and patents to your ORCID record from a single location. Use your ORCID Plus Profile on Lens to quickly find and sync all your works to ORCID and showcase your career output on an auto-generated author/inventor profile that is based on your ORCID record.
MLA International Bibliography: MLA International Bibliography allows users to import books and articles from the Modern Language Association's database. Recommended for adding works in the humanities.
- DOE/OSTI: Search over 3 million energy and basic science research result records from the US Department of Energy (DOE) and predecessor agencies. Import records from OSTI.GOV into your ORCID record, including journal articles; technical reports; data; scientific software; patents; conference and workshop papers; books; dissertations and theses; and multimedia. DOE’s Office of Scientific and Technical Information (DOE OSTI) fulfills agency-wide responsibilities to collect, preserve, and disseminate research results emanating from DOE-funded activities at DOE national laboratories and facilities, at universities, and other institutions nationwide.
Redalyc: Redalyc allows you to import metadata from Redalyc's index of open access peer-reviewed journals. Recommended for researchers who have published in Spanish or Portuguese.
- Research Data Australia: Research Data Australia enables the discovery of datasets from Australian research organisations, government agencies, and cultural institutions. Use the Research Data Australia ORCID Wizard to search for your datasets and add them to your ORCID profile.
ResearcherID: This ResearcherID publication wizard is temporarily unavailable while ResearcherID is moving to Web of Science. Follow this link to join Web of Science, find your publications on Web of Science, and export them to ORCID. Recommended for adding multiple published articles to your ORCID record.
Scopus Author ID: Use this wizard to add your Scopus Author ID to your Other IDs section of your record and import works associated with your Scopus Author ID; see Manage My [Scopus] Author Profile for more information. Recommended for adding multiple published articles to your ORCID record.
- OpenAire: This wizard allows you to claim and import works from OpenAire Explore, including journal articles, datasets, software and other research outputs. To use, you must first sign in to OpenAire.