We allow and encourage you to link your ORCID iD to other identifiers. For example, you may link your iD to your Scopus Author ID, or ResearcherID, or ISNI. Learn more about adding other identifiers to your ORCID record.
Your ORCID iD is fully owned and controlled by you - our Terms & Conditions mean that no-one else may assign an ORCID iD to you. No-one but you can see information you mark as ‘visible only to me’ (learn more about visibility settings) and no-one can update your ORCID record without your permission.
ORCID is not a social media platform, nor a profile system, nor an online CV or content repository, but we connect with many other tools that fulfill these functions. At ORCID, our mission is to focus on providing an identifier for individuals to use with their name as they engage in research, scholarship, and innovation activities. Learn more about our mission and values, and our principles.