Work details
Work type (required): The type of the work. See the current list of supported work types. If none of the work types refer to your work, use "Other" or the closest equivalent. For example, "Publication - Dissertation" for "Publication - Thesis".
Title (required): The title of the work. For example, if the work is a journal article, then this would be the title of the journal article.
Work translated title: Include a translation of the title if it was included in the original publication, if the work has been translated, or if you wish to provide a translation of the title for ease of import into other systems.
Language of this title: The language of the translated title.
Work subtitle: A subtitle to the work, if there is one. Note that the subtitle will only be displayed in the details view of the work.
Journal title / Book title / Conference title / Magazine title / Newspaper title / Newsletter title / Publisher / Institution / Custodian (depending on the work type): The name of the main volume this work was published in, if applicable. This can be the journal title, book title, conference title, name of the publisher etc.
Publication date: The date the work was published. You may fill in the year, year and month, or year month and day.
- Link: An external link to the work.
- Citation type: The format the citation is in. BibTeX citations will be included in the BibTeX export file.
Citation: The full citation to the work. If you would like to include the volume/issue number of a paper, we recommend adding it here.
Citation description: A description of the work, or a short, limited abstract. We do not recommend including descriptions as this data is often not read by systems which connect to ORCID. If you do include a description, please limit it to 100-200 words.
Work identifiers
Work added manually do not require an identifier. However works added by trusted organizations using the ORCID API must include an identifier.
Works can have multiple identifiers, and an identifier must be included for duplicate versions of the work to group on the ORCID record. If you start entering an identifier by choosing the identifier type, then the identifier value and relationship are required.
- Identifier type: An identifier associated with the work, such as an ISBN, DOI, or PMID. Start typing to see the full list of available identifiers.
- Identifier value: The identifier associated with the work. Several formats are accepted, for example;; or 10.23640/07243.c.4232246. The Registry will do a validity check for certain manually input identifier values, including DOI and ISBN. (If you receive an error message that the identifier cannot be found, you can still save the work to your ORCID record.)
- Identifier URL: The URL where the identifier resolves to. The identifier URL will be auto-populated based on the identifier type and identifier value fields when possible.
- Relationship: Describes the relationship between the identifier and the work.
Self: Use this relationship where the identifier is used for that work only. For example, a DOI for a journal article or the ISBN of a book.
- Part of: Use this relationship where the identifier applies to a larger collection that the individual work is part of. For example, the ISSN of a journal that the article was published in or the ISBN of the book that a book chapter was published in.
- Version of: Use this relationship where the identifier applies to alternate versions of the work. For example, the preprint version of an article.
- Funded by: Use this relationship where the identifier applies to the funding (grant) that the work was funded by. A small number of the work identifier types can be used with this relationship. If adding a URL, please ensure that it's a resolvable link to the funding item.
- DOI - Use when the funding has been assigned a grant DOI (currently issued by Crossref)
- Grant Number - Use a persistent identifier where possible but internal grant numbers are also accepted. This is the identifier that the funding agency has assigned for the funding.
- Proposal ID: Use this identifier when the research was supported by the provision of a research resource/facility.
- URI: Use when the funding agency has provided a url only.
Describes your role and the role of other parties involved in creating the publication.
The following CRedIT roles can be added by the user or via API:
- Conceptualization
- Data Curation
- Formal Analysis
- Funding Acquisition
- Investigation
- Methodology
- Project Administration
- Resources
- Software
- Supervision
- Validation
- Visualization
- Writing - Original Draft
- Writing - Review & Editing
The following roles can be added via API only:
- Author
- Assignee
- Editor
- Chair or translator
- Co-investigator
- Co-inventor
- Graduate student
- Other inventor
- Principal investigator
- Postdoctoral researcher
- Support staff
- Your contributions to this work: Describes your role or roles in creating the publication.
- Contributors to this work: Describes the roles of other parties involved in creating the publication.
Other information
Language used in this form: The language used to fill in the form.
Country/Location of publication: The country or location the work was published in, if relevant.