How can I help someone else update their record without sharing login credentials?
One of ORCID’s core principles is that individuals control their ORCID iD and the information attached to it. You should not, therefore, be using another person's email address and password to access an account which is not your own. However, you can update someone else’s ORCID record if they give you permission to be a trusted individual (account delegate).
You can see which users have added you as their Trusted Individual (account delegate) in the Users that trust you section under Trusted parties.
Access a record as a trusted individual
If a user adds you to their ORCID record as a trusted individual, a notification will appear in your ORCID inbox and you will receive an email notification if you have opted to receive notifications about changes to your record.
Once you have been added as a trusted individual, you will see an additional option when you log in to your own ORCID record: next your own ORCID iD, you will see the option Switch to another account.
Clicking on Switch to another account will list the accounts that you can manage. You will need to click on the name of the person to switch to their account.
If you do not see the name and ORCID iD for the person whose account you would like to manage, the owner of the account may need to add you to their trusted individual list (please contact them directly).
Once you have selected an account to manage from the Switch account menu, you will be taken to that user's ORCID record, where you can make changes to their record in the same way you would on your own.
When you have finished managing the record, click Switch to another account again for an option to return to your own record.